
Obituary Listings

Marcus Wayne Thacker, III

January 28, 1987 November 29, 2022
Marcus  Wayne Thacker, III
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Obituary for Marcus Wayne Thacker, III

Marcus Wayne Thacker, III, age 35, of Stacy Lane Road in Irvine, passed away Tuesday, November 29, 2022. He was born January 28, 1987, in Fayette County and was the son of Marcus Wayne Thacker, Jr. and Donna Sue Rose Thacker. He was an employee of the Irvine Nursing & Rehabilitation Center and had lived in Estill County all his life. Survivors in addition to his parents include:

His sister: Jessica Diane Thacker - Madison Co.

2 uncles: Hoy Van (Teresa) Thacker - Estill Co.

Jessie Taylor (Sandy) Thacker - Estill Co.

1 aunt: Matewood Kortbien - Estill Co.

Visitation will be held Friday, December 2, from 5 to 7 PM at the Warren F. Toler Funeral Home.


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